Check back regularly for a list of youth-focused events. Don’t hesitate to contact Deacon Melissa Essigman at with any questions you may have.

Mar. 1 - “Farewell to Frosty” Fest

On Saturday, March 1st, from 2:00 - 3:30 pm, we will host a “Farewell to Frosty” Fest for children Nursery- Grade 5 and their families in The Fellowship Hall. We will celebrate icicles and snowmen once last time with storytime, crafts, games, an ice cream bar, and a spring “sneak peek” takeaway! Please click the button below and sign up so we can prepare accordingly for a wonderful afternoon!  We look forward to seeing you there. 

Mar. 14 - Second Friday: “Youth ‘Survivor’ at The Life”

On March 14th from 7-9 pm in The Fellowship Hall, we will be hosting a Survivor Inspired Game Night. Our “tribes” will take part in an evening of activities in which “prize money” will be earned. Winnings will be used for a culminating auction with lots of great prizes on the auction block! Snacks and drinks will be served. Please click the button below and register so we can best prepare for an exciting evening.  As always, feel free to bring a friend!